Labels:text | purple | screenshot | colorfulness | lilac | violet | rectangle | magenta OCR: CENTENARY COOKBOOK 1920| set year Ingredients: 2oz's of almond, 2oss of pine kernels, 1' pints of HADDOCK TIMBALES milk, 2 tablespoonfuls of unsweetened condensed milk; 1' pzs of gelatine 1 oz of sugar or 1 grain tablet of saccharin.@ Method: Soak the gelatine in half a gill of water. Blanch the al monds, put them together with the pine kernels through a mincer. Boil the milky add the gelatine and nuts, sugar, and condensed milk Mix well, and when cold pour into a mould rinsed out in cold water. `Turn out, when set on to a glass dish and decorate with halved almonds? Conversion chart A TASTE OF BRITAIN